|1-How NOT to Endear |1-Oneself to a Woman! A True story of Love, Romance, and a great big balls up... This is a tale that has since been recorded in the annals of Grimbarian legend. It involves myself, some Guinness, Twenty Schnapps (25% proof), and an innocent young lass. It was an ordinary Saturday night (innit always?), I had just been to the Barge Inn in Grimsby, and we all decided to head down to the Schnapps Barge* (sounds innocent enough, doesn't it?) which we did. I had had one-and-a-half pints of Guinness at the Barge, but I had quite a thirst on. I then proceeded to consume TWENTY Passion Schnapps (this name is NOT APPROPRIATE, believe me!). Within the confines of the pub, I was perfectly OK, thought processes and motor capacity all A1. The pub air sustained me well. As soon as I stepped outside, however, I have it on good authority that I STUMBLED LIKE A BASTARD! It all gets hazy from here, but this is what I've been told, and what I have gleened from numerous flashbacks... My friends were involved in a "Thirty-something"-type group hug, and I thought (hah!?!) 'I'll have some of that!' and ran towards them and jumped, intending to land on them, just to piss them off! However, a slight miscalculation resulted in my flying over them, and headbutting a young lady who was simply minding her own business! If you're reading, Suzanne, I'm sorry! But she won't be, she doesn't strike me as a Word reader! She's dead nice looking as well! What a shitter! Ever and Always, |1-Aladdin Sane (1974 - 199?) * I know there are a preponderance of Barges in this story, I don't want to give you the idea that Grimsby is all Barges, but that's how it went!